Well, the photos from the Journalism School Halloween Party have finally arrived! Let me guide you through the cultural vortex that is Halloween in America. Could all the French people please leave the room?
1. In America, girls use Halloween as a way to break free of all the Protestant self-denial that rules their everyday lives. Date this, date that, first base this, heart-to-heart that, it all goes out the window when they choose their once-a-year costume. Just look at this orgiastic, Bacchanalian scene from the pit of paganism that is Amsterdam Avenue:

2. Oh hey look, here's me! My costume was the Wall Street Journal, a witticism that allowed me to get away with just wearing a suit.

3. This, my friends, is what we call camera-fucking. When the camera is on, the exotic dancing begins. When it is turned off, the girls get back to downing rum and smoking Gitanes in the corner.

4. This is me and Bill. It seems like we each believe the other is the sidekick.

5. The irony is, he's a certified doctor and she genuinely needs medical attention!!!

Oh, and I saw Borat tonight. I laughed a lot, but I have to admit that I did think a couple of scenes went way too far. I tried to be above the whining critics who always have to take everything very seriously, but, come on, why did they delete the cheese scene and keep in the naked testicle-wrestling? Only my Turkish friend believed it was a great move, but, well, he's Turkish.
Well, the photos from the Journalism School Halloween Party have finally arrived! Let me guide you through the cultural vortex that is Halloween in America. Could all the French people please leave the room?
1. In America, girls use Halloween as a way to break free of all the Protestant self-denial that rules their everyday lives. Date this, date that, first base this, heart-to-heart that, it all goes out the window when they choose their once-a-year costume. Just look at this orgiastic, Bacchanalian scene from the pit of paganism that is Amsterdam Avenue:

2. Oh hey look, here's me! My costume was the Wall Street Journal, a witticism that allowed me to get away with just wearing a suit.

3. This, my friends, is what we call camera-fucking. When the camera is on, the exotic dancing begins. When it is turned off, the girls get back to downing rum and smoking Gitanes in the corner.

4. This is me and Bill. It seems like we each believe the other is the sidekick.

5. The irony is, he's a certified doctor and she genuinely needs medical attention!!!

Oh, and I saw Borat tonight. I laughed a lot, but I have to admit that I did think a couple of scenes went way too far. I tried to be above the whining critics who always have to take everything very seriously, but, come on, why did they delete the cheese scene and keep in the naked testicle-wrestling? Only my Turkish friend believed it was a great move, but, well, he's Turkish.
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